Cilj projekta je poboljšati usluge javnih knjižnica za slijepe i slabovidne korisnike, što se želi postići korištenjem ICT alata i obukom knjižničnog osoblja uz uspostavu međunarodne mreže knjižnica za suradnju u odgovoru na potrebe slijepih i slabovidnih korisnika.

Gradska knjižnica Rijeka sudjeluje kao partner u projektu TECH.LIBRARY koji je dio Erasmus+ programa u polju strateškog partnerstva u obrazovanju odraslih.

Cilj projekta je poboljšati usluge javnih knjižnica za slijepe i slabovidne korisnike, što se želi postići korištenjem ICT alata i obukom knjižničnog osoblja uz uspostavu međunarodne mreže knjižnica za suradnju u odgovoru na potrebe slijepih i slabovidnih korisnika.

Osim Gradske knjižnice Rijeka, u projektu sudjeluje i šest partnera iz pet europskih zemalja, pet javnih knjižnica i jedna nacionalna knjižnica. Zajednica općina Romagna Faentina iz Italije glavni je koordinator projekta, a partneri su Gradska knjižnica Ljubljana iz Slovenije, Nacionalna knjižnica Rumunjske, Regionalna knjižnica Veliko Tarnovo iz Bugarske i Općina Maszalaca iz Latvije.

Aktivnosti predviđene projektom su razmjena primjera dobre prakse, studijski posjeti između partnera, razvoj mrežne platforme, video materijala za učenje i priručnika, organizacija međunarodnih projektnih sastanaka i stručnih konferencija.

Projekt s radom počinje u jesen 2020. godine, a trajat će do kraja mjeseca kolovoza 2022. godine. Cjelokupna vrijednost projekta iznosi 250.130,00 eura.

Tech.Library: Enhance Public Library Services for Visually Impaired Users through ICT tools and training

Digital technologies and online tools are a key driver to foster improved library services for visually impaired readers.

Nevertheless, in most EU countries:

- library staff is not fully aware about the scope and potential of ICT tools and services for the involvement of visually impaired users, and awareness is also poor on valuable experiences and best practices that could be reproduced at local and international level;

- digital competencies of library staff are often insufficient to effectively integrate digital tools.

TECH.LIBRARY focuses on 3 main objectives:

1) favour the exchange of best practices among staffs of different libraries on services and ICT tools for the involvement of visually impaired users

2) expand library staffs’ digital competencies through tailored training activities on ICT tools

3) establish a network of libraries for cooperation in responding to visually impaired users’ needs.

Following activities will be implemented in order to reach the foreseen objectives:

1) Project coordination, which will guarantee a sound technical and financial management of the project,

2) Exchange of best practices and study visits so as to give the possibility to each participant to learn and understand how other libraries and countries use ICT for the involvement of visually impaired users,

3) Development of a web platform enabling users to get trained, share experiences and opinions, communicate, networking and disseminate project activities and initiatives,

4) Short term joint staff training on latest ICT technologies to offer services to visually impaired users,

5) Targeted dissemination and exploitation activities: 6 conferences (3 at transnational level and 3 at national level) to disseminate the project achievements and to engage stakeholders within the TECH.LIBRARY online platform.

The partnership is composed by 6 public libraries from 6 different countries, supported by one technical partner. The project will involve 122 participants in the training and exchange of best practices activities, whereas 260 will participate in the multiplier events.

Moreover, a significant number of external libraries will be engaged in networking and sharing of experiences through the web platform, which will also provide them with useful information, training videos and materials, demos and much more contents to improve their staffs’ digital competencies (it is estimated that more than 300 users will register and actively participate in the platform).

Three intellectual outputs will be produced by project activities:

1) TECH.LIBRARY online platform

2) Training videos in 7 different languages

3) Practical handbook and recommendations of best practices in 7 different languages.

The expected impact of the project is to promote the professional development of libraries' staff in ICT methodologies all while upskilling their key competencies and fostering much greater inclusiveness in libraries by improving key services dedicated to blind and visually impaired users all around Europe.

Becoming a genuinely inclusive library for visually impaired readers is not only about the capacity to adapt to ever changing digital technologies, but also about enabling library staff to play an all-inclusive role.

Start: 01-09-2020 - End: 31-08-2022

Project Reference: 2020-1-IT02-KA204-079967
EU Grant: 250.130,00 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education

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