Great success: Rijeka City Library won the title of best library in Croatia for 2019!
Very intense programs, festivals, publishing projects, new services and spaces brought particularly valuable recognition into our hands! Rijeka City Library is the winner of the national award "Library of the Year 2019"!
This flattering title and valuable news reached us at a press conference in Zagreb, which was attended by Dr. sc. Dijana Machala, President of the Croatian Library Association, prof. dr. sc. Julijana Matanović on behalf of the Library of the Year Award Committee and Niko Cvjetković, mag. book., prof. director of Rijeka City Library.
The Croatian Library Association awards the "Library of the Year" award for the purpose of encouraging creativity, innovation and improving the quality of work in Croatian libraries. The Library of the Year award is given to the best library whose excellence is assessed according to the Criteria for Evaluating.
If you have any questions about our work and projects you can contact us at e-mail
In recent years, Rijeka City Library has been one of the most dynamic and innovative Croatian libraries. The new paradigm according to which libraries are the living room of the community and the space for its empowerment is accepted. This is the first recognition of its kind for the Rijeka City Library.
The award will be presented to the Rijeka City Library at the central national ceremony as the part of the Day of Croatian Libraries celebration on 11 November in the Governor's Palace in Rijeka.
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