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Rijeka City Library
Central public library in Rijeka, Croatia. Library which is seen as one of the most innovative, progressive and proactive in the region. Focused on quality of services, new technologies and community resilience. više

Users of the Rijeka City Library have access to the e-library service on mobile devices and tablets via ZaKi Book application, the first Croatian library application for e-books.

This is an extremely important and significant moment in the development of the Rijeka City Library, because citizens will be offered to borrow e-books in the Croatian language in a systematic way through the use of the public library. The Croatian e-book market in the Croatian language is very modest, and although most citizens prefer printed titles, it is very important that the legal and professional availability of e-books is greater and better for all interested citizens.

If you have any questions about our work and projects you can contact us at e-mail marketing@gkri.hr.

The ZaKi Book application (ZaKi is the name of the library information system that stands behind all the daily work of the library / catalog) is ready for free download in the Google Play Store (Android devices), Microsoft Store (Windows 10) and App Store (iOS devices). It can be used by all members by entering the membership card number and PIN that can be obtained in all departments and branches.


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