Rijeka City Library published book "Kosine"
Rijeka City Library has been conducting the competition and awarding of the Drago Gervais Literary Prize since 2005. It is one of the oldest Croatian literary awards, launched in 1962.
In October 2020 Rijeka City Library published a collection of poetry "Kosine" by Branimir Dropuljić, winner of the Drago Gervais Literary Award in the category of the best unpublished manuscript.
According to the explanation of the award jury, "Kosine" breaks the prejudice about the chamber and claustrification of poetry that refrains from any engagement, dulling its critical edge with self-contextualization.
Branimir Dropuljić (Varaždin, 1983) graduated and received his doctorate from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb. He is the author of over twenty scientific papers in the field of speech analysis and affective computing. He is currently working as a data scientist on natural language processing projects. His poems have been published in Poetry, Words, Libra Liberi, Pages, Quorum and other magazines and portals. He won the second prize in the Ticket 2019 competition for poetry, and in the same year he was awarded the Drago Gervais Prize for the best unpublished literary work.
Rijeka City Library has been conducting the competition and awarding of the Drago Gervais Literary Prize since 2005. It is one of the oldest Croatian literary awards, launched in 1962.
The price of the book is 60 kuna, and for procurement and payment information you need to contact magazin@gkri.hr.
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