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Rijeka City Library
Central public library in Rijeka, Croatia. Library which is seen as one of the most innovative, progressive and proactive in the region. Focused on quality of services, new technologies and community resilience. više

The fourth printed issue of Brickzine, a magazine for children (and parents) about creating culture, has been published by Rijeka City Library. This is the largest Brickzine so far in terms of number of pages (80), and thus creative collaborators - 15 illustrators made original contributions creating a unique catalog of recent Croatian illustrations for children.

After the street as the topic of the number one, boredom in the second issue, mistakes in the third, main topic of the fourth number is shiping container. It doesn't sound the funniest at first, does it? However, when you look at the cover composed by the award-winning Croatian illustrator Manuel Šumberac, things get a different feeling…

If you have any questions about our work and projects you can contact us at e-mail marketing@gkri.hr.

There is an obvious connection with Rijeka, its image and feeling, given the nature of the city focused on port. How important are containers and why? Why is it important that the future of Rijeka is still maritime? How do containers and cultures mix? What are the creative ways to use containers? All of this can be read and viewed on the pages of the new Brickzine.

brickzine vol 4_03022020_007

The issue is also a guide through Rijeka 2020 programme as the European Capital of Culture.

As always we have a lots of recommendations, stories ranging from DIY to gardening, new technologies, future, past… In any case, enough reading. Most importantly we have tips and trick to try to work on something of your own, new, different.

The most important part are the original illustrations. Each picture is completely original and made by very talented and valuable Croatian illustrators and designers. Through that we are encouragin their creativity and visual culture of our readers.

Of course, online portal brickzine.hr is also active and creative. :)

Brickzine is a media-creative project of the Children's House. The project is organized and produced by the Rijeka City Library, co-publisher is RIJEKA 2020, and partners in the development of the Children's House Art Cinema, City Puppet Theater Rijeka, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art and HANDS (Youth Council Benčić). The four printed editions are primarily intended to serve as a platform for a new generation of authors for children, a kind of hub of illustrators and an example of how quality content / magazines for children of the third decade of the XXI. centuries should look like when they are seriously and thoughtfully invested in.


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