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Rijeka City Library
Central public library in Rijeka, Croatia. Library which is seen as one of the most innovative, progressive and proactive in the region. Focused on quality of services, new technologies and community resilience. više

"Books in the bag" is a new walk-in service of the City Library of Rijeka through which in the branches Zamet, Trsat, Drenova, Turnić, Library Čavle, Library "Vid Omišljanin" or in the Children's Department Stribor is possible to order books by mail and then take from the Library in a special paper bag.

The goal of the "Books in a bag" service is to to provide the fastest and safest way to get good books. At the same time, books and reading are one of the most beautiful ways to spend free time and they create a departure from the chaotic reality.

The "Books in a Bag" service works through several steps:

- Find the desired title in the online catalog of the Rijeka City Library

- check if the books are available in the most favorable location for you (Turnić, Zamet, Drenova, Trsat, Čavle, Omišalj or Stribor) and send the request to knjigeuskartocu@gkri.hr

Be sure to write: name and surname, membership card number, the department or branch you plan to come for books (Turnić, Zamet, Drenova, Trsat, Omišalj, Čavle or Stribor), the name of the author and the title of the book you want to read.

Upon receipt of the data we will contact you back and begin the process of finding and borrowing books. The service can be used by all members of the Rijeka City Library regardless of the department or branch in which they are members. It is possible to borrow 4 titles at once and the service is free of charge.

If you have any questions about our work and projects you can contact us at e-mail marketing@gkri.hr.


Čitaj i ovo:

GKR bira

5 šarenih stripova: Lajka, Umbrella Academy, Fantastic Four...


Duhovnost na putu prema metamoderni : New Age, svjetska književnost i sveprisutni Castaneda


Klasici hrvatskog svijeta slikovnica (i neke koje su na putu da to postanu)


O fenomenu starosti u romanima Dubravke Ugrešić "Baba Jaga je snijela jaje" i "Lisica"