Rijeka City Library at Google Street View: Take a virtual walk through library branches in local neighborhoods
Rijeka City Library branches in Rijeka neighborhoods are now part of Google Street View system which means that you can take a virtual walk through the branches.
With this kind of representation branches Drenova, Zamet, Turnić and Trsat are now more visible and can be experienced from all over the world. Future plans involve same kind of presentation for Children House and new central library building in complex "Bencic" after that project is finished.
For virtual walk we recommend desktop computers, not mobile phones because experience is much better.
Of course, after virtual walk we expect to meat you at the real library. :)
If you have any questions about our work and projects you can contact us at e-mail marketing@gkri.hr
Turnić Library Branch
Drenova Library Branch
Trsat Library Branch
Zamet Library Branch
Iz Magazina
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