Spectacular photos: old industrial district in Rijeka is becoming new library and cultural centre for kids
At the end of chaotic and unusual year 2020 we end it in optimistic tone - a look at the emerging future. Future of the library and reading culture in Rijeka is in the new art district "Bencic".
The construction site of the new central building of the Rijeka City Library at the ex-industrial complex "Bencic" in central part of Rijeka is full of exciting processes.
The old interior is removed and the walls significantly stabilized so process of building can start. It was really complicated and sensitive process because old outside walls of ex-factory building will be saved and new spaces will emerge from the inside.
At these photos you can check situation at the end of 2020. They look impressive in its own way although huge work is ahead. One year from now we are going to look at the library building at the place of old industry which will mark one of the most important urban regeneration processes in Rijeka history.
If you have any questions about our work and projects you can contact us at e-mail marketing@gkri.hr.
Next to the t-building and future library is new Children's House. Children House is multifunctional space where children library will be places. It is also part of industrial heritage.
Children's House is now in the process of furnishing and equipping. Good part of the furniture of the library children's department has arrived.
You can already feel the atmosphere among the colorful books filled with shelves. Along with the shelves came RFID devices with self-borrowing system, which will make the use of the Library as elegant as possible. With the completion of the arrangement of most of the surroundings (the most complex "underground" part is mostly completed or nearing completion) in the first months of 2021, the relocation of the library children department will start. Library will than join other institutions like Museum of modern on contemporary art and Historical City Museum who already creates life of this unique cultural and creative district in Croatia.
Enjoy the photos of Children House. :)
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